he vuelto de mis pequeñas vacaciones... Este fin de semana he estado en Madrid, la visita se debía al cumpleaños de alguien especial. Hice muchas compras, me lo pase super bien, fui a una casa del terror en la que pase un miedo terrible, me quede sin voz de tanto gritar,... hehe INCREIBLE!! Hoy os traigo un post rápido, básico y doble. Quiero centrar la atención en una de mis adquisiciones madrileñas, mis nuevas sandalias; son muy cómodas y tienen una combinación perfecta: plateado, blanco y snake print negro. Esta sesión la hicimos en el parque del retiro mientras dábamos un paseo! Así que os traigo también un post MASCULINO!!!! Como veis, mi modelo y fotógrafo (Pablo), juega con la mezcla de distintos colores y el denim. Los mocasines son su prenda estrella esta temporada, los suele acompañar con algún pañuelo bastante colorido.
hello again!
I returned from my vacations ... This weekend I've been to Madrid, the visit was due to the birthday of someone special. I made many purchases, I went to a house of terror, I spend a terrible fear, losing my voice from screaming, ... hehe AWESOME! Today I bring you a quick post, basic and double. I want to focus on one of my purchases in Madrid, my new sandals are very comfortable and have a perfect combination: silver, white and snake black print. This session we did in the Retiro park while we took a ride! So I bring you also a post of MEN´S STYLE!! You can see, my model and photographer (Pablo) plays with the mixture of different colors and denim fabric. The moccasins are its main star garment this season, usually accompanied by some very colorful scarf.
I returned from my vacations ... This weekend I've been to Madrid, the visit was due to the birthday of someone special. I made many purchases, I went to a house of terror, I spend a terrible fear, losing my voice from screaming, ... hehe AWESOME! Today I bring you a quick post, basic and double. I want to focus on one of my purchases in Madrid, my new sandals are very comfortable and have a perfect combination: silver, white and snake black print. This session we did in the Retiro park while we took a ride! So I bring you also a post of MEN´S STYLE!! You can see, my model and photographer (Pablo) plays with the mixture of different colors and denim fabric. The moccasins are its main star garment this season, usually accompanied by some very colorful scarf.